انتشارات Icon Publishing

English Grammar: A Function-Based Introduction
Talmy Givón, 1993
English Grammar: A Function-Based Introduction
Talmy Givón, 1993
Exploring English Phonetics
Paunovic, Tatjana; Cubrovic, Biljana, 2012
Kaplan TOEFL iBT
Kaplan, 2009
Spotlight 5: Student's book. Workbook. Test booklet
В. Эванс, Д. Дули, Б. Оби, О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, 2010
Spotlight 5: Student's book. Workbook. Test booklet
В. Эванс, Д. Дули, Б. Оби, О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, 2011
The Clause in English: In Honour of Rodney Huddleston
Prof. Peter Collins, David Lee (Eds.), 1999
A Historical Syntax of Late Middle Indo-Aryan (Apabhraṃśa)
Vít Bubeník, 1998
A Reading Course in Homeric Greek, Book 2
Raymond V. Schoder, Vincent C. Horrigan, Leslie Collins Edwards, 2008
Adjectives in Germanic and Romance
Petra Sleeman, Freek Van de Velde, Harry Perridon, 2014
Advances in the Syntax of DPs: Structure, agreement, and case
Anna Bondaruk, Gréte Dalmi, Alexander Grosu, 2014
Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication
Ipke Wachsmuth, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks, Stefan Kopp, 2013
An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language
Michiel Kamermans, Cynthia Ng, Edmund Dickinson, 2010
Approaches to Slavic Interaction
Nadine Thielemann, Peter Kosta, 2013
Auxiliary Selection in Spanish: Gradience, gradualness, and conservation
Malte Rosemeyer, 2014
Certainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between
Sibilla Cantarini, Werner Abraham, Elisabeth Leiss, 2014
Cognitive Linguistics and Lexical Change: Motion Verbs from Latin to Romance
Natalya I. Stolova, 2015
Colloquial Japanese: with Important Construction and Grammar Notes
William Dale Jennings, 2011
Consonant Structure and Prevocalization
Natalie Operstein, 2010
Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding
Sergio Scalise, Irene Vogel, 2010
Cross-linguistic Investigations of Nominalization Patterns
Ileana Paul, 2014
Current Issues in Morphological Theory: (Ir)regularity, Analogy and Frequency. Selected papers from the 14th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 13-16 May 2010
Ferenc Kiefer, Mária Ladányi, Péter Siptár, 2012
Dependency Linguistics: Recent advances in linguistic theory using dependency structures
Kim Gerdes, Eva Hajičová, Leo Wanner, 2014