انتشارات Iea Publications

Your Research Project: A Step-by-Step Guide for the First-Time Researcher
Dr Nicholas Walliman, 2001
Your Research Project: A Step-by-Step Guide for the First-Time Researcher
Dr Nicholas Walliman, 2000
Your Statistical Consultant: Answers to Your Data Analysis Questions
Rae R. Newton, 1999
Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology: From College to Career
Paul I. Hettich, 2013
Youth and Crime, 2nd Edition
Professor John Muncie, 2004
ZeNLP: The Power to Succeed (Response Books)
Murli Menon, 2005
A Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies (2 Vol. Set)
Jeni Klugman, 2003
A survey of health reform in Central Asia, Volumes 23-344
Jeni Klugman, 1996
An R and S-Plus companion to applied regression
John Fox, 2002
An R and S-Plus Companion to Applied Regression
John Fox, 2002
Analysing Everyday Explanation: A Casebook of Methods
Charles Antaki, 1988
Analysing Popular Music: Image, Sound and Text
David Machin, 2010
Analyzing Everyday Texts: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Social Perspectives
Glenn F. Stillar, 1998
Analyzing Panel Data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
Gregory B. Markus, 1979
Analyzing Quantitative Data: From Description to Explanation
Professor Norman Blaikie, 2003
Critical Incident Management
Alan B. Sterneckert, 2003
Critical Incident Management
Alan B. Sterneckert, 2003
Barbie Culture
Mary F. Rogers, 2000
Shaolin Fighting: Theories & Concepts
Douglas L. Wong, 1975
The Craft of Social Anthropology (Social Science Paperbacks)
A. L. Epstein, 1967
The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa
Chögyam Trungpa, 2010
The International Handbook of Sociology (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)
Stella R. Quah, 2000
The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions
Professor Sujata Patel, 2009
The New Sociology of Economic Behaviour (BSA New Horizons in Sociology)
Ralph Fevre, 2003