انتشارات Imperial College Press

4d Electron Microscopy: Imaging in Space and Time
Ahmed H. Zewail, John M. Thomas, 2009
Advances in Astronomy: From the Big Bang to the Solar System (2005)(en)(417s)
J. M. T. Thompson, 2005
Lecture Notes On The Mathematics Of Acoustics
M. C. M. Wright, 2005
An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics
Richard J. Szabo, 2004
Classical And Quantum Dissipative Systems
Mohsen Razavy, 2006
Classical And Quantum Dissipative Systems
Mohsen Razavy, 2006
Finite size effects in correlated electron models: exact results
Andrei A. Zvyagin, 2005
Finite Size Effects in Correlated Electron Models: Exact Results
Andrei A. Zvyagin, 2005
Low Temperatures And Cold Molecules
Ian W. M. Smith, Ian W. M. Smith, 2008
Low temperatures and cold molecules
Ian W. M. Smith, Ian W. M. Smith, 2008
Complexity and Criticality (Advanced Physics Texts)
Kim Christensen, Nicholas R. Moloney, 2005
An introduction to the principles of medical imaging
Chris Guy, Dominic Ffytche, 2005
An introduction to the principles of medical imaging
Chris Guy, Dominic Ffytche, 2005
Advances in Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials and Assembly (Royal Society Series on Advances in Science)
A. G. Davies, A. G. Davies, J. M. T. Thompson, 2007
Bioinformatics: Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference, Taipei, Taiwan 13-16 February, 2006 (Series on Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)
Tao Jiang, Ueng-Cheng Yang, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Limsoon Wong, 2006
Net theory and its applications: flows in networks
Wai-Kai Chen, 2003
Molecular Imaging: Basic Principles and Applications in Biomedical Research
Markus Rudin, 2013
Habermeyer - Classifications and Scores of the Shoulder
Nadey S. Hakim, Nadey S. Hakim; Ruben Canelo, 2007
A.G. Stromberg - First Class Scientist, Second Class Citizen: Letters from the Gulag and a History of Electroanalysis in the USSR
Richard Guy Compton, Alexander S Kabakaev, Michael T. Stawpert, Gregory George Wildgoose, Elza A. Zakharova, 2011
Chemsitry Was Their Life: Pioneer British Women Chemists, 1880-1949
Geoff Rayner-Canham, 2009
Catalysis by Gold
Geoffrey C. Bond, Catherine Louis, David T. Thompson, 2006
Salam + 50: Proceedings of the Conference
Michael Duff, 2008
Analysis and Synthesis of Computer Systems
Erol Gelenbe, Isi Mitrani, 2010
Applied Uncertainty Analysis for Flood Risk Management
Keith Beven, Jim Hall (eds.), 2013