انتشارات Imprint Academic

Neutron scattering -- magnetic and quantum phenomena
Fernandez-Alonso, Felix, 2015
Studies in Medieval Thought and Learning. From Abelard to Wyclif
Beryl Smalley, 1981
Certainty of Uncertainty: Dialogues Introducing Constructivism
Bernhard Poerksen, 2004
Ion channels as therapeutic targets. Part A
Donev, 2016
Ion channels as therapeutic targets. Part B
Donev, 2016
The Neurology of Consciousness, Second Edition: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropathology
Gosseries, Olivia, 2015
How to solve the mind-- body problem
Nicholas Humphrey, 2000
Efficient computation of argumentation semantics
Beishui Liao, 2014. 2014
The Membranes of Cells, Third Edition
Philip L. Yeagle, 2016
The joy of finite mathematics : the language and art of math
Tsokos, Chris P., 2015
Movement Disorders in Childhood, Second Edition
Gilbert, Donald L., 2015
Structural Health Monitoring of Aerospace Composites
Giurgiutiu, 2015
Structural health monitoring of aerospace composites
Giurgiutiu, 2015
Systems Neuroscience in Depression
Frodl, 2016
Peanuts : genetics, processing, and utilization
Stalker, Harold Thomas, 2016
Peanuts : genetics, processing, and utilization
Stalker, Harold Thomas, 2016
Cold plasma in food and agriculture: fundamentals and applications
Cullen, Patrick J.; Misra, N N.; Schlüter, Oliver, 2016
Efficient methods for preparing silicon compounds
Roesky, H. W, 2016
Novel approaches of nanotechnology in food
Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai, 2016