انتشارات In Parentheses Publications

Chronicle, translated by John Forster, with historical introduction and notes by Pascual de Gayangos
James I (The Conqueror), King of Aragon, 2000
Sir Hugh of Tabarie, translated by Eugene Mason
Mason, 2001
Filostrato, translated by Nathaniel Griffin and Arthur Myrick
Giovanni Boccaccio, 1999
La fiammetta, translated by James C. Brogan
Giovanni Boccaccio, 1999
Voyage to India, translated by Count Wielhorski
Athanasius Nikitin of Twer, 2000
The chalk circle, translated by Ethel van der Veer
van der Veer, 2001
Eliduc, translated by Isabel Butler
Marie de France, 2000
Laxdaela Saga, translated by Muriel A. C. Press
Press, 1999
The babee’s book : medieval manners for the young, translated by Edith Rickert and L. J. Naylor
Rickert, Edith (trans.), 2000
Erec and Enide, translated by W. W. Comfort
Chrétien de Troyes, 1999
Sedjaret Malayou, translated by M. Devic and Chauncey C. Starkweather
Devic, M. (trans.), 2000
The chastising of the jealous man (Castía Gilos), translated by Ross G. Arthur
Ramon Vidal de Besalú, 2000
The Dream of the Rood, translated by Charles W. Kennedy
Kennedy, 2000
Yvain, translated by W. W. Comfort
Chrétien de Troyes, 1999
Amadas and Ydoine, translated by Ross G. Arthur
Arthur, 1999
Amis and Amile, translated by Eugene Mason
Mason, 2001
Amis and Amiloun, translated by Edith RIckert
Rickert, 2000