انتشارات Indiana University Press
درباره انتشارات

Sonata fragments : romantic narratives in Chopin, Schumann, and Brahms
Brahms, Johannes; Chopin, Frédéric; Davis, Andrew C.; Schumann, Robert, 2017
Basic Concepts
Martin Heidegger, Gary E. Aylesworth, 1993
C I Lewis in Focus: The Pulse of Pragmatism
Sandra B. Rosenthal, 2007
100 Years of Pragmatism: William James's Revolutionary Philosophy
John J. Stuhr, 2009
A general introduction to the semeiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce
James Jakób Liszka, 1996
The Puzzle Instinct: The Meaning of Puzzles in Human Life
Marcel Danesi, 2002
Dictionary of African Filmmakers
Roy Armes, 2008
A Shostakovich Casebook
Malcolm Hamrick Brown, 2004
Mendelssohn in Performance
Siegwart Reichwald (ed.), 2008
Approaches to Meaning in Music
Byron Almén, Edward Pearsall, 2006
Approaches to Meaning in Music
Byron Almén, Edward Pearsall, 2006
Animal Pragmatism: Rethinking Human-Nonhuman Relationships
Erin McKenna, Erin McKenna, Andrew Light, 2004
Jewish Public Culture in the Late Russian Empire
Jeffrey Veidlinger, 2009
At the Top of the Grand Staircase : The Late Cretaceous of Southern Utah
Titus, Alan L., Loewen, Mark A., 2013
Dinosaur Footprints and Trackways of La Rioja
Pérez-Lorente, Félix, 2015
Dinosaurs under the Aurora
Gangloff, Roland A., 2012
Languages of Africa
Greenberg, Joseph, 1963
A Dictionary of Nonprofit Terms and Concepts
David Horton Smith, Robert A. Stebbins, Michael A. Dover, 2006
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, The Holy Sonnets
John Donne, Gary A. Stringer, Paul A. Parrish, 2005
Who knows?: a study of religious consciousness
Raymond M. Smullyan, 2003
Aristotle's Metaphysics ? 1-3: On the Essence and Actuality of Force
Martin Heidegger, Walter Brogan,, 1995
Ladino Rabbinic Literature and Ottoman Sephardic Culture
Matthias B. Lehmann, 2005
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration, and Ambivalence before and after 2011
Samuli Schielke, 2015