انتشارات Information Science Reference

Technology engineering and management in aviation : advancements and discoveries
Evon MO Abu-Taieh, 2012
Handbook of Research on E-Planning: ICTs for Urban Development and Monitoring
Carlos Nunes Silva, 2010
Knowledge-Based Urban Development: Planning and Applications in the Information Era
Tan Yigitcanlar, 2008
Digital rights management for e-commerce systems
Lambros Drossos, 2009
Methodological Advancements in Intelligent Information Technologies: Evolutionary Trends
Vijayan Sugumaran, 2009
Gender and Social Computing: Interactions, Differences and Relationships (Premier Reference Source)
Celia Romm Livermore, 2011
Global Strategy and Practice of E-Governance: Examples from Around the World
Danilo Piaggesi, 2011