انتشارات Institute Of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn Universi

Radicalising Thailand: New Political Perspectives
Ji Ungpakorn
Shan and Beyond: Essays on Shan Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Politics, Religion and Human Rights
Monthirā Rāthō; Khanitthā Khanthawichai, 2011
Lan Na in Chinese historiography : Sino-Tai relations as reflected in the Yuan and Ming sources (13th to 17th centuries)
Foon Ming Liew-Herres; ʻArunrat Wichīankhīeo.; Volker Grabowsky, 2008
The Chinese and the National Integration in Southeast Asia
Jacques Amyot, 1972
Cambodia Watching Down Under
Geoffrey C. Gunn, Jefferson Lee, 1991
Economic Development of Thailand 1850-1950. Response to the Challenge of the World Economy
Sompop Manarunsan, 1989
Thai-Japanese Relations in Historical Perpective
Chaiwat Khamchoo; E. Bruce Reynolds, 1988