انتشارات Institute Of Physics

"Electron Beam Evaporation" in "Handbook of Thin Film Process Technology"
E. B. Graper, D. Glocker, S. Shah, 1995
Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors
H Nifenecker, O Meplan, S David, 2003
Astrophysical techniques
C.R. Kitchin, 2003
Classical and Quantum Black Holes
P Fre, V. Gorini, G Magli, U. Moschella, 1999
Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory
D. Bailin, Alexander Love, 2004
A history of light and colour measurement: science in the shadows
Sean F. Johnston, 2001
Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics: Detection, Identification and Modelling
K Worden, G.R Tomlinson, 2001
Fractals and Chaos. An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and chaos: an illustrated course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fast light, slow light, and left-handed light
P.W. Milonni, 2005
Practical holography
Graham Saxby, 2004
A radar history of World War II : technical and military imperatives
Louis Brown, 1999
Next generation photovoltaics: high efficiency through full spectrum utilization
A. Martí, A. Luque, 2004
The Science of Soccer
John Wesson, 2002
The Science of Soccer
John Wesson, 2002
Handbook of laser technology and applications
Colin E. Webb, Julian D. C. Jones, 2004
Handbook of laser technology and applications
Colin E. Webb, Julian D. C. Jones, 2004
Handbook of laser technology and applications
Colin E. Webb, Julian D. C. Jones, 2004