انتشارات Institute Of Physics Pub

Physically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Physics and Astronomy
Carl C. Gaither, 1997
Handbook of fuzzy computation
Enrique H Ruspini, 1998
The plasma boundary of magnetic fusion devices
P.C Stangeby, 2000
Theory of Photon Acceleration
J.T Mendonca, 2001
Transport and Structural Formation in Plasmas
K. Itoh, 1999
Optical fibre devices
J.P Goure, 2002
The physics of the interstellar medium
J.E Dyson, 1997
The magnetocaloric effect and its applications
A.M. Tishin, 2003
Hall effect devices
R.S. Popovic, 2004
Introduction to inverse problems in imaging
M. Bertero, 1998
The Pursuit of Perfect Packing
Denis Weaire, 2000
Thin-film optical filters
H.A. Macleod, 2001
Very high energy gamma-ray astronomy
T.C. Weekes, 2003
Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
T.C. Weekes, 2003
Statistically Speaking - A Dictionary Of Quotations
C.C. Gaither, 1996
The data book of astronomy
Patrick Moore, 2000
The data book of astronomy
Patrick Moore, 2000
The Data Book of Astronomy
Patrick Moore, 2000
The history of the laser
Mario Bertolotti, 2005
The mathematical theory of cosmic strings: cosmic strings in the wire approximation
M. R. Anderson, 2003
The mathematical theory of cosmic strings: cosmic strings in the wire approximation
M. R. Anderson, 2003
The mathematical theory of cosmic strings: cosmic strings in the wire approximation
M. R. Anderson, 2003
The origin and evolution of the solar system
Michael M. Woolfson, 2000
The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System
Michael M. Woolfson, 2000