انتشارات International Marine

Boatowner s Illustrated Electrical Handbook
Charlie Wing, 2006
Boatowner's Illustrated Electrical Handbook
Charlie Wing, 2006
The all Mountain skier - Внетрассовое горнолыжное катание
Р. Эллинг, 2002
Boatbuilding with Aluminum
Stephen F. Pollard, 1993
Build the New Instant Boats
Harold 'dynamite' Payson, 1984
Principles of Yacht Design
Lars Larsson, Rolf Eliasson, 2000
The Art of Boat Names: Inspiring Ideas for Names and Designs
Laurie Churchman, 2008
The Blue Book of Sailing: The 22 Keys to Sailing Mastery
Adam Cort, 2009
Powerboater s Guide to Electrical Systems
Edwin Sherman, 2007
Powerboater's Guide to Electrical Systems
Edwin Sherman, 2007
Wilderness Survival Handbook: Primitive Skills for Short-Term Survival and Long-Term Comfort
Michael Pewtherer, 2010
Wilderness Survival Handbook: Primitive Skills for Short-Term Survival and Long-Term Comfort
Michael Pewtherer, 2010
Wilderness Survival Handbook: Primitive Skills for Short-Term Survival and Long-Term Comfort
Michael Pewtherer, 2010
Emergency First Aid On Board
Richard Clinchy, 2007
Anchoring: A Captain's Quick Guide
Peter Nielsen, 2007
Marine Diesel Engines: Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair
Nigel Calder, 2006
The Complete Guide to Metal Boats: Building, Maintenance, and Repair
R. Bruce Roberts-Goodson, 2000
Boatowner's Illustrated Electrical Handbook
Charlie Wing, 2006
Boatowner's Illustrated Handbook of Wiring
Charlie Wing, 1993