انتشارات International Universities Press

A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds
Jakob von Uexküll, 1934
Schizoid Phenomena, Object-Relations and the Self
Harry Guntrip, 1969
The Mind in Conflict
Charles Brenner, 1983
Magic and Schizophrenia
Géza Róheim, 1955
Depression: Comparative Studies of Normal, Neurotic, and Psychotic Conditions
Edith Jacobson, 1971
Psychotic Conflict and Reality
Edith Jacobson, 1967
The Self and the Object World
Edith Jacobson, 1964
Individual and Environment: Monozygotic Twins Reared Apart
Niels Juel-Nielsen, Peter B. Neubauer, Irving I. Gottesman, 1980
The Psycho-analytic Reader: An Anthology of Essential Papers with Critical Introductions
Robert Fliess [ed], 1950
Fashion and the Unconscious
Edmund Bergler, 1987
Psychoanalysis and the Occult
George Devereux, 1953
Soviet Psychology. Philosophical, Theoretical and Experimental Issues
Levy Rahmani, 1973