انتشارات Iseas – Yusof Ishak Institute

Imperial China and Its Southern Neighbours
Victor H. Mair; Liam C. Kelley; Wang Gungwu, 2015
Japanese Defence
Javed S. Maswood, 1990
Islam in Southeast Asia: Negotiating Modernity
Norshahril Saat, 2018
Southeast Asian Affairs 2017
Daljit Singh; Malcolm Cook, 2018
Southeast Asian Affairs 2018
Malcolm Cook; Daljit Singh, 2018
Outward Foreign Direct Investment in ASEAN
Cassey Lee, 2017
From traders to innovators: science and technology in Singapore since 1965
GOH Chor Boon, 2016
The Indonesian Economy in Transition : Policy Challenges in the Jokowi Era and Beyond
Hal Hill, Siwage Dharma Negara, 2019
Spirits and Ships: Cultural Transfers in Early Monsoon Asia
Andrea Acri (editor), Roger Blench (editor), Alexandra Landmann (editor), 2017
Imperial China and Its Southern Neighbours
Victor H. Mair (Editor); Liam C. Kelley (Editor), 2015
The New Santri Challenges to Traditional Religious Authority in Indonesia
Norshahril Saat and Ahmad Najib Burhani (eds), 2020
The Philippine Economy: No Longer the East Asian Exception?
Ramon L. Clarete, Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Hal Hill, 2018
From Aquino II to Duterte (2010–2018) : Change, Continuity and Rupture
Imelda Deinla; Björn Dressel, 2019
The Ethnic Chinese and Economic Development in Vietnam
Tran Khanh, 1993
Flying Blind: Vietnam’s Decision to Join ASEAN
Nguyen Vu Tung, 2021
Islam and Religious Expression in Malaysia
Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, 2020
Tragic Orphans: Indians in Malaysia
Carl Vadivella Belle, 2014
Autonomy and Armed Separatism in South and Southeast Asia
Michelle Ann Miller (editor), 2012
Heritage as Aid and Diplomacy in Asia
Philippe Peycam (editor), Shu-Li Wang (editor), Hui Yew-Foong (editor), Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (editor), 2020
From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation: Social Media in Southeast Asia
Aim Sinpeng (editor), Ross Tapsell (editor), 2020
Demokrasi di Indonesia: Dari Stagnasi ke Regresi?
Thomas Power and Eve Warburton (eds), 2021
Digital Indonesia Connectivity and Divergence
Edwin Jurriens and Ross Tapsell (eds), 2017