انتشارات Ishi Press

Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea
Anthony Grafton, Megan Williams, 2008
A New History of Ireland, Volume VII: Ireland, 1921-84
Moody, Theodore William; Byrne, Francis John; Martin, Francis X.; Cosgrove, Art, 2014,2003
A New History of Ireland, Volume VII: Ireland, 1921-84
Moody, Theodore William; Byrne, Francis John; Martin, Francis X.; Cosgrove, Art, 1
Handbook Of Financing Energy Projects
Albert Thumann, 2005
Postharvest Decay. Control Strategies
Silvia Bautista-Banos, 2014
Michael Hardt, 2009
Michael Hardt, 2009
The physics of liquid crystals
P. G. de Gennes, 1993
The physics of liquid crystals
P. G. de Gennes, 1993
Intelligent multimedia interfaces
Mark T. Maybury, 1993
50 Years Receiving Vatican II. A Personal Odyssey
Kevin T. Kelly, 2012
John Wesson, 2004
John Wesson, 2004
Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models under Uncertainty
A. G. Aliyev, 2013
Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making
Howard Raiffa, 2007
A commentary on Hegel's Philosophy of mind
Hegel, Georg Ludwig Friedrich, 2010,2007
Cataloging and Indexing: Challenges and Solutions
Joyce McIntosh, 2011
Cardinal arithmetic
Saharon Shelah, 1994
A Practical Guide to Protein and Peptide Purification for Microsequencing
Paul T. Matsudaira, 1993
Comparative Immunoglobulin Genetics
Azad K. Kaushik, 2014
Direct methods for sparse matrices
Iain S. Duff, 1986