انتشارات Iste, Wiley

Performance Evaluation by Simulation and Analysis with Applications to Computer Networks
Committee to Develop a Long-Term Research Agenda for the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), National Research Council, 2015
3D Discrete Element Workbench for Highly Dynamic Thermo-mechanical Analysis: Gran00
Damien Andre, Jean-Luc Charles, Ivan Iordanoff, 2015
Discrete element model and simulation of continuous materials behavior set. Volume 1, Discrete element method to model 3D continuous materials
Mohamed Jebahi, Damien Andre, Inigo Terreros, Ivan Iordanoff, 2015
Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models
Sondipon Adhikari, 2013
Structural dynamic analysis with generalized damping models : identification
Adhikari, Sondipon, 2014
Measurements using optic and RF waves
Frédérique de Fornel (editor), Pierre-Noël Favennec (editor), 2010
Advanced Mapping of Environmental Data (Geographical Information Systems)
Mikhail Kanevski, 2008
Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality
Rodolphe Devillers, Robert Jeansoulin, 2006
Software Networks: Virtualization, SDN, 5G, Security
Guy Pujolle, 2015
Radio Frequency Identification and Sensors: From RFID to Chipless RFID
Etienne Perret, 2014
Beyond CMOS Nanodevices 1
Francis Balestra, 2014
Design of Microwave Active Devices
Jean-Luc Gautier, 2014
Nanoscale Microwave Engineering: Optical Control of Nanodevices
Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet, Jean Chazelas, 2014
Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Performance Analysis and Control
Etienne Dombre, Wisama Khalil, 2007
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis 2
Jean-Charles Pinoli, 2014
Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo Codes
Alain Glavieux, 2007
Fibre-Optic Communications
Pierre Lecoy, 2008
Dispersion Engineering for Integrated Nanophotonics
Olivier Vanbésien, Emmanuel Centeno, 2014
Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation
Estelle Maryline Delpech, 2014
Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling
Philippe Mathis, 2007
Continuous Semi-Markov Processes (Applied Stochastic Methods)
Boris Harlamov, 2008