انتشارات Iter Inc.

A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism (Two Volumes in One Book)
Gareth Knight, 1978
The Shi'Ur Qomah: Liturgy and Theurgy in Pre-Kabbalistic Jewish Mysticism
Martin Samuel Cohen, 1983
Europe for dummies, 4th edition
Donald Olson, Elizabeth Albertson, Bruce Murphy, Alessandra de Rosa, Neil E. Schlecht, George McDonald, Darwin Porter, Danforth Prince, Hana Mastrini, Tania Kollias, 2006
Database. Principles Programming Performance
Patrick O'Neil (Auth.), 1994
Linear Panel Analysis. Models of Quantitative Change
Ronald C. Kessler (Auth.), 1981
66 Essays On the Past, Present & Future
Isaac Asimov, 1993
Alpha Centauri - The Nearest Star
Isaac Asimov, 1976
A Guide to Transformer Maintenance
S. D. Myers, J. J. Kelly, R. H. Parrish, E. L. Raab, 1981
Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book
Electrical Systems Technology Institute, 1997
Electrical Wiring Simplified
H. P. Richter, W. C. Schwan, F.P. Hartwell, 2002
Car stereo speaker projects illustrated
Daniel Ferguson, 2000
ISA System Architecture
Shanley T., Anderson D., Swindle J. (ed), 1995
Mastering the 68000 Microprocessor
Phillip R. Robinson, 1985
The Usborne Big Book of Experiments
Alastair Smith (Editor), Howard Allman (Illustrator, Photographer), 1996
Abraham Pressman Switching Power Supply Design
Abraham I.Pressman, 1999
Building Robots with LEGO Mindstorms
Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari, Ralph Hempel, 2002