انتشارات Its, Inc.

Computer-assisted theory building: modeling dynamic social systems
Dr. Robert Hanneman, 1988
Elements of Set Theory
Peter W. Zehna, Robert L. Johnson, 1964
The art of problem posing
Stephen I. Brown, 2005
Elements of Functional Analysis
L.A. Lusternik, V.J. Sobolev, 1975
Invariant means on topological groups and their applications
Frederick P. Greenleaf, 1969![المدخل الي التحليل الدالي و تطبيقاته [Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/51449-n.jpg)
المدخل الي التحليل الدالي و تطبيقاته [Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications]
خضر حامد الأحمد [Erwin Kreyszig]
Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes
Zadeh Lotfi A. , Fu King-Sun, Tanaka Kokichi, Shimura Masamichi (eds), 1975
Differential Games and Control Theory
Emilio O. Roxin, 1975
Game Theory and Applications: Game-theoretic Models in Mathematical Ecology
Vladimir Mazalov, Dmitry Novikov, Guennady Ougolnitsky, Leon Petrosjan, 2015
Game Theory Topics- Incomplete Information, Repeated Games
Dr. Evelyn C. Fink, Scott Gates, Dr. Brian D. Humes, 1998
Domination in Graphs: Volume 2: Advanced Topics
Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen Hedetniemi, Peter Slater, 1997
Handbook of Graph Theory
Jonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen, 2003
Structural Models: An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs
Frank Harary, Robert Z. Norman, Dorwin Cartwright, 1966
An Introduction to Mathematical Methods of Physics
Lorella M. Jones, 1979
Biostatistics 6ed
Wayne W. Daniel, 1998
Control Charts. An Introduction to Statistical Quality Control
Edward S. Smith, 1947
Controlled Markov chains, graphs, and Hamiltonicity
Jerzy A. Filar, 2007
An elementary theory of Eisenstein series
Tomio Kubota, 1973
Book of Numbers
Tim Glynne-Jones, 2009
Creation and annihilation operators
J.H. Avery, 1977
Linear Operators. Part I: General Theory
Nelson James Dunford, Jacob T. Schwartz, 1958
An introduction to the bond markets
Patrick J. Brown, 2006
A Stochastic Grammar of Images
Song-Chun Zhu, David Mumford, 2007