انتشارات Iura Edition

The Petroff Defence
Artur Yusupov, 1999
Эйнштейн и Пуанкаре: по следам теории относительности
Жан-Поль ОФФРЕ (Jean-Paul AUFFRAY), 2005
School of Chess Excellence 2: Tactical Play
Mark Dvoretsky, 2002
School of Chess Excellence 4: Opening Developments
Mark Dvoretsky, 2003
School of Excellence 4 - Opening Developments
Mark Dvoretsky, 2003
Strategic Play: School of Chess Excellence 3
Mark Dvoretsky, 2002
The Trumpet of the Swan
E. B. White
Water and Wastewater Engineering
Mackenzie Davis, 2010
The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing
Benjamin Graham, 2003
The Status and Development of N+N Sequences in Contemporary English Noun Phrases
Iria Pastor-Gómez, 2011
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
Robert H. Perry, 1997
The Massage Connection: Anatomy and Physiology
KalyaniPremkumar, 2003
Words, Languages and Combinatorics
Masami Ito, 2002
Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology
Frederick Dechow, 1990
Victorian Decorative Painting
Brenda Stewart, 2000
Child of the Journey (Book 2 of The Madagascar Manifesto)
Janet Berliner, 1996
Children of the Dusk (Book 3 of The Madagascar Manifesto)
Janet Berliner
Process Heat Transfer: Principles, Applications and Rules of Thumb
Thomas Lestina, 2007
Agnes Martin Writings
Dieter Schwartz, 1993
Forced Hot Air Furnaces : Troubleshooting and Repair
Roger Vizi, 1999
Wellness, Fitness & Sport
Susanne Pavlovic, 2012