انتشارات Iwa Pub.; Crc Press

Power Electronic Systems: Walsh Analysis with MATLAB®
Anish Deb, Suchismita Ghosh, 2014
Power Systems
Leonard L. Grigsby, 2007
Switching Power Converters: Medium and High Power, Second Edition
Dorin O. Neacsu, 2013
Real-Time Embedded Systems: Open-Source Operating Systems Perspective
Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti; Gabriele Manduchi, 2012
The separable Galois theory of commutative rings
Magid, Andy R, 2014
Computational Approaches for the Prediction of pKa Values
George C. Shields, Paul G. Seybold, 2013
Computational approaches for the prediction of pKa values
George C Shields; Paul G Seybold, 2014
Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures
Mohamed El-Reedy, 2009
Leadership and management in pharmacy practice
Andrew M Peterson; William N Kelly, 2014
Global Urban Monitoring and Assessment through Earth Observation
Qihao Weng, 2014
Advanced materials for joint implants
Giuseppe Pezzotti, 2013
Complex behavior of switching power converters
Chi Kong Tse, 2004
Diving and subaquatic medicine
Bennett, Michael H.; Edmonds, Carl; Lippmann, John; Mitchell, Simon, 2016
Digital Integrated Circuits - Analysis and Design
John E. Ayers, 2003
Handbook of Ecotoxicology
David J. Hoffman, Barnett A. Rattner, G. Allen BurtonJr., John CairnsJr., 2002
Handbook of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition
David J. Hoffman, Barnett A. Rattner, G. Allen Burton Jr., John Cairns Jr., 2002
Advanced nanoelectronics
Razali Bin Ismail; Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi; Sohail Anwar, 2013
Advanced nanoelectronics
Anwar, Sohail; Bin Ismail, Razali; Ahmadi, Mohammad Taghi, 2013
Advances in Enterprise Information Systems II
Charles Møller; Sohail S Chaudhry, 2012
FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures: A Guide to Fundamentals and Design for Repair and Retrofit
Perumalsamy Balaguru, Antonio Nanni, James Giancaspro, 2008
Manual for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures to EC2
Jose Calavera, 2012