انتشارات J. A. Hill

Experimentos de electricidad básica
Carlos Gutiérrez Aranzeta, Graciela García Arana, Rafael Mata Hernández, 2009
Física General
Bueche, F. & Hecth, E., 2007
Manual de Espectroscopia Vibracional
W A Bueno, 1990
Hammer's German Grammar and Usage
Martin Durrell, 2002
Hammer's German Grammar and Usage (4th edition)
Martin Durrell, 2002
Hammer’s German Grammar and Usage, 4th Edition
Martin Durrell, 2002
The KidsHealth Guide for Parents : Birth to Age 5
Steven Dowshen Neil Izenberg Elizabeth Bass, 2001
The KidsHealth Guide for Parents : Birth to Age 5
Steven Dowshen, Neil Izenberg, Elizabeth Bass, 2001
How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Other Social Networks
Brad Schepp, Debra Schepp, 2009
How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Other Social Networks
Brad Schepp, Debra Schepp, 2009
Digital Communications
John Proakis, 2000
Digital Communications, 5th Edition
John Proakis, Masoud Salehi, 2007
Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders
John Baldoni, 2003
Carpentry and Framing Inspection Notes
Gil Taylor, 2005
Geothermal HVAC
Jay Egg, Brian Howard, 2010
Handbook of air conditioning and refrigeration
Shan Wang, 2000
Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Shan Wang, 2000
HVAC Inspection Notes
Gil Taylor, 2005
HVAC Licensing Study Guide
Mark R. Miller
HVAC Pump Handbook
Malestrom, 2006
HVAC Systems Design Handbook
Roger W. Haines, C. Lewis Wilson, 2003
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
W F Stoecker, 1983
Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated
Sergio Franco, c2015