انتشارات J. Benjamins Publishing Company

The Cognitive System of the French Verb
PrJohn Hewson, 1997
The Communicative Perspective in the Sentence: A Study of Latin Word Order
Dirk G. J. Panhuis, 1982
The Constitution of Phenomenal Consciousness: Toward a science and theory
Steven M. Miller, 2015
The Constitution of Visual Consciousness: Lessons from Binocular Rivalry
Steven M. Miller, 2013
The Derivation of Anaphoric Relations
Glyn Hicks, 2009
The Derivation of VO and OV
Peter Svenonius, 2000
The Development of Morphophonemic Theory
James Kilbury, 1976
The Diachronic Typology of Non-Canonical Subjects
Ilja A. Seržant, 2013
The Diachrony of Negation
Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, 2014
Text representation: linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects
Ted Sanders, 2001
Text typology and translation
Trosborg, 1997
Textual Parameters in Older Languages
Susan C. Herring (Ed.), 2001
The (Ir)reversibility of English Binomials: Corpus, Constraints, Developments
Sandra Mollin, 2014
The Aconceptual Mind: Heideggerian themes in holistic naturalism
Pauli Pylkkö, 1998
The Acquisition of Direct Object Scrambling and Clitic Placement: Syntax and pragmatics
Jeannette C. Schaeffer, 2000
The Acquisition of Ergativity
Edith L. Bavin, 2013
The Acquisition of French as a Second Language: New developmental perspectives
Christina Lindqvist, 2014
The Acquisition of French in Different Contexts: Focus on Functional Categories
Philippe Prévost (Ed.), 2004