انتشارات J. Benjamins

Etymology and Grammatical Discourse in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Mark E. Amsler, 1989
Events, Arguments, and Aspects: Topics in the Semantics of Verbs
Klaus Robering, 2014
Explorations in Integrational Linguistics: Four essays on German, French and Guaraní
Robin Sackmann (Ed.), 2008
Exploring Functional-Cognitive Space
Christopher S. Butler, Francisco Gonzálvez-García, 2014
Formal Approaches to Function in Grammar: In Honor of Eloise Jelinek
Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley, Maryann Willie, Eloise Jelinek, 2003
Functionalism and Grammar
T. Givón, 1995
Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge
D. Gary Miller, 1994
Advice Online: Advice-Giving in an American Internet Health Column
Miriam A. Locher, 2006
A Pragmatic Analysis of Legal Proofs of Criminal Intent
Sol Azuelos-Atias, 2007
A Pragmatic Analysis of Legal Proofs of Criminal Intent
Sol Azuelos-Atias, 2007
Analysing Citizenship Talk: Social Positioning in Political And Legal Decision-Making Processes
Heiko Hausendorf (ed.), Alfons Bora (ed.), 2006
Analysing Identities in Discourse
Rosana Dolon (ed.), Julia Todoli (ed.), 2008
A Taste for Corpora: In Honour of Sylviane Granger
Fanny Meunier, 2011
Armenian: Modern Eastern Armenian
Jasmine Dum-Tragut, 2009
'Germinal' and Zola's Philosophical and Religious Thought
Philip Walker, 1984
Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers of the Bi-annual ICLA Meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995
Masako K. Hiraga, Chris Sinha, Sherman Wilcox (Eds.), 1999
Taboo in Advertising
Elsa Simões Lucas Freitas, 2008
Web Advertising: New Forms of Communication on the Internet
Anja Janoschka, 2002
Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for translation
Jean-Paul Vinay, Jean Darbelnet, Juan C. Sager, M.-J. Hamel, 1995
Essays on Definition (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice)
Juan C. Sager, 2000
Essays on terminology
Alain Rey; Juan C Sager, 1995
Language Engineering and Translation: Consequences of automation
Juan C. Sager, 1994
A French-English grammar : a contrastive grammar on translational principles
Morris Salkoff., 1999.
An Annotated Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Grammars of English
Manfred Görlach, Ian Michael, 1998