انتشارات Jist Works 2003 04 01

Disinfection of Pipelines and Water Storage Facilities
William Lauer, 2007
The Future of Water
American Water Works Association, 2011
Total water management : practices for a sustainable future
Neil S Grigg, 2008
Cement-mortar protective lining and coating for steel water pipe-- 4 in. (100 mm) and larger-- shop applied
American Water Works Association., 2012
AWWA standard for rubber-seated butterfly valves
American Water Works Association., 1988
Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families/A53-1894/1993E
Henry Goulet, 1993
Operational Control of Coagulation and Filtration Processes
American Water Works Association, 2011
Let’s Talk Safety 2009 : 52 Utility Safety Training Talks
American Water Works Association, 2010
Principles of Water Rates, Fees, and Charges
AWWA (American Water Works Association), 2000
Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control: Recommended Practices
Asay, Stuart F., 2015
Sodium chloride
American Water Works Association., 2012
Basic science concepts and applications : student workbook
American Water Works Association, 2010
Water Conservation for Small- and Medium-Sized Utilities
Deborah Green, 2009
Water Conservation Programs
American Water Works Association, 2006