انتشارات John Benjamins Pub. Co.

Persuasion in Public Discourse : Cognitive and functional perspectives
Lu, Wei-lun; Pelclová, Jana, 2018
Zarathustra and the ethical ideal : timely meditations on philosophy
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1991
The Acquisition of Swedish Grammar
Gunlog Josefsson, Christer Platzack, Gisela Hakansson, 2004
From Case to Adposition: The development of configurational syntax in Indo-European languages
John Hewson, Vit Bubenik, 2006
Semantic Theories in Europe, 1830-1930: From Etymology to Contextuality
Brigitte Nerlich, 1992
Essays on Definition (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice)
Juan C. Sager, 2000
A French-English grammar : a contrastive grammar on translational principles
Morris Salkoff., 1999.
Syntax: An Introduction
Talmy Givon, 2001
Language variation - European perspectives III : selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 5), Copenhagen, June 2009
Frans Gregersen; Jeffrey K Parrott; Pia Quist, 2011
Adverbs of Degree in Dutch and Related Languages
Henny Klein, 1998
From OV to VO in Early Middle English (Linguistik Aktuell Linguistics Today)
Carola Trips, 2001
The development of implicit and explicit memory
Hayne, Harlene; Rovee-Collier, Carolyn K.; Colombo, Michael, 2001
A dynamic approach to second language development : methods and techniques
Marjolyn Verspoor; Kees De Bot; Wander Lowie, 2011
Applying priming methods to L2 learning, teaching and research : insights from psycholinguistics
Pavel Trofimovich; Kim McDonough, 2011
German Colour Terms: A study in their historical evolution from earliest times to the present
William Jervis Jones, 2013
The Psychology and Sociology of Literature: In Honor of Elrud Ibsch
Elrud Ibsch, Dick H. Schram, Gerard Steen, 2002
Contact Languages: A Wider Perspective (Creole Language Library)
Sarah G. Thomason, 1997
Genres in the Internet: issues in the theory of genre
Janet Giltrow; Dieter Stein (editors), 2009