انتشارات John Benjamins Publishing Co

And he knew our language: Missionary Linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast
Marcus Tomalin, 2011
Advances in Functional Linguistics: Columbia School Beyond Its Origins
Joseph Davis (Ed.), Radmila Jovanović Gorup (Ed.), Nancy Stern (Ed.), 2006
Atlantic Meets Pacific: A global view of pidginization and creolization
Francis Byrne, John Holm, 1992
Historiographia Linguistica, Vol. 38, No. 1-2
E.F.K. Koerner (Editor), 2011
De Ortu Grammaticae: Studies in medieval grammar and linguistic theory in memory of Jan Pinborg
Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hall, Sten Ebbesen, E.F.K. Koerner, 1990
Meaning Detachment
Benoît de Cornulier, 1980
Coding the Hypothetical: A comparative typology of Russian and Macedonian conditionals
Jane F. Hacking, 1998
Bilingual First Language Acquisition: French and German grammatical development
Jürgen M. Meisel, 1994
Early Germanic Languages in Contact
Barry Leon Appleby, 2015
Determiners: Universals and variation (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today)
Jila Ghomeshi, Ileana Paul, Martina Wiltschko, 2009
Analogical Modeling: An Exemplar-Based Approach to Language
Royal Skousen, Deryle Lonsdale, Dilworth B. Parkinson, Conference on Analogical Modeling of the Language, 2002
Analogical modeling: an exemplar-based approach to language
Royal Skousen, Deryle Lonsdale, Dilworth B. Parkinson, 2002
Biological Foundations of Linguistic Communication: Towards a Biocybernetics of Language
Thomas T. Ballmer, 1982
Body memory, metaphor and movement
Sabine C. Koch & Thomas Fuchs & Michela Summa & Cornelia Muller, 2012
Comparative Historical Dialectology: Italo-Romance Clues to Ibero-Romance Sound Change
Thomas D. Cravens, 2002
Contact languages: a wider perspective (Creole Language Library)
Sarah Grey Thomason, 1997
Das Prinzipienproblem in der Philosophie des Thomas von Aquin
Wilfried Kühn, 1982
Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development
Werner Fricke, Peter Totterdill, 2004
Action research in workplace innovation and regional development
Werner Fricke, Peter Totterdill, 2004
Experimental Pragmatics Semantics (Linguistik Aktuell Linguistics Today)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Meibauer, Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach, 2011