انتشارات John Day Co

Advances in Greek Generative Syntax: In Honor of Dimitra Theophanopoulou-Kontou
Melita Stavrou (ed.), 2005
Asymmetry in Grammar: Syntax and Semantics
Anna Maria Di Sciullo (ed.), 2002
Balkan syntax and semantics
Olga Miseska Tomic, 2004
Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition: Papers in Honor of Sydney M. Lamb
David G. Lockwood, 2000
Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition: Papers in Honor of Sydney M. Lamb
David G. Lockwood (Ed.), 2000
Differential Equations
Harry W. Reddick, 1943
Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics , Third Edition
Simon Ramo, 1994
Dysphagia: Foundation, Theory and Practice
Julie A. Y. Cichero, 2006
Adjustment Computations: Spatial Data Analysis, Fourth Edition
Charles D. Ghilani, 2006
ZBrush Creature Design – Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games
Scott Spencer, 2012
The Rise and Fall of the US Mortgage and Credit Markets
James Barth, 2009
Mastering financial accounting essentials: the critical nuts and bolts
Stuart A. McCrary, 2010
International financial statement analysis
Thomas R Robinson, 2009
The Professional's Guide to Fair Value. ; Preparing and Reading Financial Statements
James P. Catty, 2012
IFRS Made Easy
Steven M. Bragg, 2010
Argumentation and Health
Sara Rubinelli, 2014
Aristoteles contra Augustinum
Udo Reinhold Jeck, 1994
Aspects of Argument Structure Acquisition in Inuktitut
Shanley Allen, 1996
Aspects of English Negation
Dr. Yoko Iyeiri, 2005
Aspects of Gongora's 'Soledades'
John R. Beverley, 1980