انتشارات John Day Co

Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Erwin Kreyszig, 1998
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Erwin Kreyszig, 2005
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Erwin Kreyszig, 2005
Advanced engineering mathematics
Erwin Kreyszig, 2006
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Instructor's Manual
Erwin Kreyszig, 2006
Sing Without Shame: Oral traditions in Indo-Portuguese Creole verse
Kenneth David Jackson, 1990
Introduction to Random Signal Analysis And Kalman Filtering
Robert Grover Brown, 1983
Kalman Filter Finite Element Method Applied to Dynamic Motion of Ground
Yusuke KATO , Mutsuto KAWAHARA and Naoto KOIZUMI, 2008
Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB ®, Second Edition
Mohinder S. Grewal, Angus P. Andrews(auth.), 2001
Organic Chemistry I as a Second Language: Translating the Basic Concepts
David M. Klein, 2007
Amy Winehouse: The Biography
Chas Newkey-Burden, 2009
Amy Winehouse: The Biography 1983-2011
Chas Newkey-Burden, 2011
Playing against nature : integrating science and economics to mitigate natural hazards in an uncertain world
Stein, Jerome L.; Stein, Seth, 2014
Achieving and Sustaining Institutional Excellence for the First Year of College
Betsy O. Barefoot,John N. Gardner,Marc Cutright, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Jossey-BassAdult NonfictionEducationLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 13.05.2010Street date: 30.04.2010Preview, 2010
Achieving Excellence in Fundraising
Eugene R. Tempel,Timothy L. Seiler,Eva E. Aldrich, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Jossey-BassAdult NonfictionBusinessLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 26.10.2011Street date: 04.11.2010, 2010
Accounting and Finance for Your Small Business
Steven M. Bragg,Edwin Burton, 2005
Accounting and Finance Policies and Procedures
Rose Hightower, 2008
Accounting best practices
Steven M Bragg, 2013
Language Typology and Historical Contingency: In Honor of Johanna Nichols
Balthasar Bickel (Ed.), Lenore A. Grenoble (Ed.), David A. Peterson (Ed.), Alan Timberlake (Ed.), 2013
Accounting Principles, 10th Edition
Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Barbara Trenholm, Donald E. Kieso, 2011
Molecular spectroscopy
Ira N. Levine, 1975
Molecular Spectroscopy
Ira N. Levine, 1975