انتشارات John Tein Company

A Guide to Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated, Scientific and Medicinal Approach
Hwee-ling Koh, Chay-hoon Tan, Tung-kian Chua, 2009
A Manual for Biomaterials/Scaffold Fabrication Technology
Gilson Khang, Moon Suk Kim, Hai Bang Lee, Gilson Khang, Moon Suk Kim, Hai Bang Lee, 2007
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Intervention
Hwang Nian Chih, London Lucien Ooi, 2004
Against Medical Advice: One Family's Struggle with an Agonizing Medical Mystery
James Patterson, Hal Friedman, Cory Friedman, 2008
Anatomy of the dog
Miller M.E., 1964
Biology of the uterus
Ralph M. Wynn, William P. Jollie, 1989
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Tina Sanders, Dr Valerie Scanlon, 2006
Essentials of anatomy and physiology
Valerie C. Scanlon, Tina Sanders, 2015
Critical Care Notes: Clinical Pocket Guide
Janice Jones, Brenda Fix, 2014
Интенсивная терапия
Марино П.Л.
Advanced assessment: interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses
Mary Jo Goolsby, Dr Laurie Grubbs, 2005
Clinical Alzheimer Rehabilitation
Prem P. Gogia, Nirek Rastogi, 2008
Clinical Coach for Nursing Excellence: Accelerate Your Transition to Practicing RN
Campbell, Gilbert, Laustsen, 2009
Complete Dental Prosthetics
Raymond Nagle and Victor Sears, 1958
Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions:Self Management of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema and others (
Kate Lorig, Halsted Holman MD, David Sobel MD, Diana Laurent MPH, 2006
Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics
Stefan Ma, Stefan Ma, Yingcun Xia, 2008
Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics
Stefan Ma, Stefan Ma, Yingcun Xia, 2008
Comprehensive Nursing Care for Parkinson's Disease
Lisette K. Bunting-Perry, Gwyn M. Vernon, 2007
Conquest of Viral Diseases: A Topical Review of Drugs and Vaccines
John S. Oxford and Bo Öberg (Eds.), 1985
Drug Discovery and Development for Alzheimer s Disease
Howard M. Fillit MD
Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease Made Simple
Siew Yen Ho, Michael L. Rigby, Robert Henry Anderson, 2005
Complex Population Dynamics: Nonlinear M: Nonlinear Modeling in Ecology, Epidemiology and Genetics
Bernd Blasius, Bernd Blasius, Jurgen Kurths, Lewi Stone, 2007
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
Abul K. Abbas, 2007
Kuby Immunology
Richard A. Goldsby et al, 2000