انتشارات John Wiley

Handbook of Neural Engineering
Metin Akay, 2007
Ferrets for Dummies
Kim Schilling, 2007
Microsoft Office Live for dummies
Karen S. Fredricks, 2007
The history of financial planning : how financial planners have transformed financial services
E. Denby Brandon Jr., 2008
Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach
Christopher Barry Cox, 2016
Exterior building enclosures : process and composition for innovative skins
Boswell, Keith, 2013
The Schwarz Function and Its Generalization to Higher Dimensions
Harold S. Shapiro, 1992
i-Smooth Analysis: Theory and Applications
Kim, A. V, 2015
Multi-dimensional Imaging
Bahram Javidi, Enrique Tajahuerce, Pedro Andres(eds.), 2014
Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes
Peter Olofsson, 2005
The Primate Origins of Human Nature
Duijnhoven, Perry van; Schaik, Carel van, 2015
English Grammar For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Geraldine Woods, 2010
The Complex Analytic Theory of Teichmuller Spaces
Subhashis Nag, 1988
Human Biological Aging: From Macromolecules to Organ Systems
Glenda E. Bilder, 2016
The Minkowski Multidimensional Problem
Aleksei Vasil'evich Pogorelov, Vladimir Oliker, 1979
Tomorrow's World: A Look at the Demographic and Socio-economic Structure of the World in 2032
Laurent, Clinton R, 2009
Characterization of minerals, metals and materials : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Materials Characterization Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society)
Jiann-Yang Hwang, Sergio Neves Monteiro, Chengguang Bai, John S. Carpenter, Mingdong Cai, Donato Firrao, Byoung-Gon Kim, 2012
EPD Congress 2014 : proceedings of a symposia sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Februrary 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
Yurko, Lifeng Zhang, Antoine Allanore, Cong Wang, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Randolph E. Kirchain, Jerome P. Downey, Lawrence D. May, 2014
Food Additives Data Book, 2nd Edition
Jim Smith, Lily Hong-Shum, 2011