انتشارات John Wiley And Sons Ltd

Факторы стоимости
Марк К. Скотт (Mark C. Scott), 2000 (1998)
Amazing Fishing Stories: Incredible Tales from Stream to Open Sea
Paul Knight, 2011
Next Generation Wireless Systems and Networks
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, 2006
Writing Interactive Compilers and Interpreters (Wiley series in computing)
Peter John Brown, 1979
Elementary Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics
Salomon E. Liverhant, 1966
Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry: A Practical Guide, Third revised edition
Eberhard Breitmaier(auth.), 2002
Pocket Guide to Echocardiography
Andro G. Kacharava, 2012
The Chemistry of alkanes and cycloalkanes
Saul Patai, 1992
The Chemistry of Sulphones and Sulphoxides
Saul Patai, 1988
Islamic commercial law
Saleem, 2013
Information and Exponential Families in Statistical Theory
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, 1978
Frommer's 500 Extraordinary Islands
Holly Hughes, 2010
Named Organic Reactions, 2nd Edition
Thomas Laue, 2005
α-Haloketones, α-Haloaldehydes and α-Haloimines
Norbert De Kimpe, 1988
Quality of Life: Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation
Peter M. Fayers, 2000
Dynamic Assessment, Intelligence and Measurement
Raegan Murphy, 2011
Smith's elements of soil mechanics
Smith, 2014