انتشارات K G Saur Verlag Gmbh

Stabilized Space-Time Finite Elements for Transonic Aeroelasticity
Boris Grohmann, 2002
Mesoscopic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications
Prof. Yoshimasa Murayama(auth.), 2001
Modern Geometry: Introduction to Homology Theory Pt. 3: Methods and Applications
B.A. Dubrovin, 1990
Modular forms
Toshitsune Miyake, 2006
New Polymer Materials (Advances in Polymer Science,Vol.94)
B. Boutevin, 1990
Quadratic and Hermitian forms
W. Scharlau, 1984
Quantum dynamical semigroups and applications
Robert Alicki, 1987
Quantum Probability - Quantum Logic
Itamar Pitowsky, 1989
Rational thermodynamics
Truesdell C., 1984
Schroedinger Operators. The Quantum Mechanical Many-Body Problem
Erik Balslev, 1992
Sobolev spaces
V.G. Maz"ja, 1985
Solaris: System Administration Guide: No.7
T. Handschuch, 2005
Statistical Methods in Radiation Physics
Dr. James E. Turner, 2012
11 Horin: Comparative Studies in Japanese Culture: Special Issue, Buddhist Logic
Talmo Aoyama (ed), 2004
Symmetrien in Festkorpern: Gruppentheoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Dr. Manfred Bohm(auth.), 2002
Tables of Mellin transforms
F. Oberhettinger, 1974
The Structure of Fields
David J. Winter, 1974
Time Series: Theory and Methods
P. Brockwell, 1987
Nolting W., 2002
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Hüseyin Kavala, 2005