انتشارات Karnac Books

On Freud's "Analysis terminable and interminable"
Freud, Sigmund, 1991
The Function of Assessment within Psychological Therapies: A Psychodynamic View
Kamran Ghaffari, 2004
The Language of Drawings: A New Finding in Psychodynamic Work
A. H. Brafman, 2012
Adolescence & Developmental Breakdown: A Psychoanalytic View
Moses Laufer, 1995
Socially Constructed Organization
David Campbell, 2000
Systemic Approach to Training in Child Protection
Gerrilyn Smith, 1993
Systemic Therapy with Individuals
Luigi Boscolo, 1996
The Self and Autism
Michael Fordham, Rosemary Gordon, 1976
The Winnicott Tradition: Lines of Development - Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades
Margaret Boyle Spelman, 2014
Psychoanalytic Filiations: Mapping the Psychoanalytic Movement
Ernst Falzeder, 2015
Schizophrenia: Its Origins and Need-Adapted Treatment
Yrjo O. Alanen, 1997
Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis and Religion
Neville Symington, 1994
Narcissism: A New Theory
Neville Symington, 1993
You and Your Baby (You and Your Child)
Frances Thomson Salo, 2005
The Tavistock Model: Papers on Child Development and Psychoanalytic Training
Martha Harris, 2011
Trauma and Attachment
Sarah Benamer, 2008
Thinking of becoming a counsellor?
Ingrams, 2012
Your Teenager: Thinking About Your Child During the Secondary School Years
Martha Harris, 2007
The Work of Confluence: Listening and Working and Interpreting in the Psychoanalytic Field
Madeleine Baranger, Willy Baranger, 2009