انتشارات Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner And Co

Chess openings ancient and modern
E., 1905
The Secret of the Golden Flower: a Chinese Book of Life.
Richard Wilhelm (tr), 1947
Egyptian Magic
E. A. Wallis Budge, 1901
Scriabin: The great Russian tone poet
Arthur Eaglefield Hull, 1916
A Concise Dictionary of the Bini Language of Southern Nigeria
Hans Melzian, 1937
Apollonius : or the present and future of psychical research
E. N. Bennet., [n.d.]
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History
De Lacy O"Leary, 1922
Montegu Norman - A Study In Financial Statesmanship
Paul Einzig, 1932
Early Buddhist Monachism (600 B.C. - 100 B.C.)
Sukumar Dutt, 1924
Early Buddhist Monachism 600 B.C. - 100 B.C.
Sukumar Dutt, 1924
Scott Buchanan, 1927
The Greek City and Its Institutions (History of Civilization)
Gustave Glotz, 1929
The Mind and Its Place in Nature
C.D. Broad, 1925
Montagu Norman: A Study in Financial Statesmanship
EINZIG, Paul, 1932
Plato and Parmenides: Parmenides’ "Way of Truth" and Plato’s "Parmendies" translated with an Introduction and a running Commentary
Francis MacDonald Cornford, 1939
Plan for Reconstruction
William H. Hutt, 1943
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate
John Lydgate, Henry Noble MacCracken, 1911
English Intercourse with Siam in the Seventeenth Century
J. Anderson, M.D., 1890
Mortimer J. Adler, 1927
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell: Volume I (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea, 20)
E. A. Wallis Budge, 1906
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell: Volume II (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea, 21)
E. A. Wallis Budge, 1906