انتشارات Kluwer

Electromagnetic Absorption in the Copper Oxide Superconductors
Frank J. Owens, Charles P. Poole Jr., 1999
Applications Of Digital Signal Processing To Audio And Acoustics
Brandenburg, Kahrs
Demonstrational optics
Oleg Marchenko, Sergi Kazantsev, Laurentius Windholz, 2006
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
Michael J. Connelly, 2002
Angular Momentum Techniques In Quantum Mechanics
Devanathan, 2002
Many-particle physics
Gerald D. Mahan, 2000
IFIP TC8-WG8.6 Working Conference on IT Innovation for Adaptability and Competitiveness
Wynn, Fitzgerald, 2004
ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription
Linda S Pescatello; American College of Sports Medicine, 2014
Categories, bundles, and spacetime topology
C.T. Dodson, 1988
Insomnia: A Clinician's Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Charles M. Morin (Author), Colin A. Espie (Editor), 2003
Lagrangian optics
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan; AK Ghatak; K Thyagarajan, 2002
Duality system in applied mechanics and optimal control
H.L. Dryden and Th. von Kármán (Eds.), 1958
Infections of the central nervous system
W. Michael Scheld MD, Dr. Richard J. Whitley MD, Dr. Christina M. Marra MD, 2014
Wireless multimedia network technologies
Rajamani Ganesh, Kaveh Pahlavan, Zoran Zvonar, 2004
Operational amplifier speed and accuracy improvement : analog circuit design with structural methodology
VV Ivanov; Igor M Filanovsky, 2004
Multi-Carrier Technologies For Wireless Communication
Carl R. Nassar, B. Natarajan, Z. Wu, D. Wiegandt, S. A. Zekavat, 2002
Phase-Locked Loops For Wireless Communications - Digital, Analog and Optical Implementations
Donald R. Stephens, 2002
Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration
Emmanuel Gaillard, John Savage, 1999
General systems theory: a mathematical approach
Yi Lin, 2002
Disorders of the shoulder
Joseph D. Zuckerman (ed.)
Disorders of the shoulder
Anthony Miniaci (ed.)