انتشارات Lean Enterprise Institute

Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA
Mike Rother, 1999
Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA
Mike Rother, 1999
Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers
Lean Enterprise Institute, 2006
Учиться видеть
Майк Ротер, 1999
Учиться видеть
Майк Ротер, 1999
Учиться видеть
Майк Ротер, 1999
Attitudes Toward the Environment: Twenty-Five Years After Earth Day
Everett C. Ladd, 1995
Affirmative Action Reconsidered: Was It Necessary in Academia?
Thomas Sowell, 1975
The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Law
William M. Landes, 2004
Broadband: Should We Regulate High-Speed Internet Access?
Robert W. Crandall, 2003
High stakes antitrust: the last hurrah?
Robert William Hahn, 2003
Blue Planet in Green Shackles: What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?
Vaclav Klaus, 2008
THe Permanent Campaign and Its Future
Norman J. Ornstein, 2000
Following the Money: The Enron Failure and the State of Corporate Disclosure
Michael Bromwich, 2003
L'impresa rigenerativa: ottimizzazione per l'abbondanza multi capitale
Ethan Roland, Gregory Landua, 2017
Castroism and communism in Latin America, 1959-1976: the varieties of Marxist-Leninist experience
William E. Ratliff, 1976
The First Measured Century: An Illustrated Guide to Trends in America, 1900-2000
Theodore Caplow, Louis Hicks, Ben J. Wattenberg, 2000
Toward Theology of Corporation
Michael Novak, 1981