انتشارات Les Éditions De Cerf

Family storytime: twenty-four creative programs for all ages
Rob Reid, 1999
Fang-Tastic Fiction: Twenty-First Century Paranormal Reads
Patricia O"Brien Mathews, 2011
Guide to preservation in acquisition processing
Marsha J. Hamilton, 1993
Guidelines for bibliographic description of reproductions
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Committee on Cataloging: Description, 1995
Helping Homeschoolers in the Library
Adrienne Furness, 2009
Intellectual Freedom for Teens: A Pratical Guide for YA & School Librarians
Kristin Fletcher-Spear, 2013
Managing the reference collection
Christopher W. Nolan, 1999
No Shelf Required: E-books in Libraries
Sue Polanka, 2010
Pilotes de l'Aviation Israelienne
Philip Handleman, 1991
Fish On: Seafood Dishes that Make a Splash
Ingrid Baier, 2010
Kitten Clone: Inside Alcatel-Lucent
Douglas Coupland, 2014
C'est quoi la campagne ?
Jean Viard, 2016
La part du colibri : L'espèce humaine face à son devenir
Pierre Rabhi, 2011
Livre de la guérison des maladies externes et internes affectant les corps. Tome premier
Sayyid Aḥmad ibn ‘Umar al-Raqqādī al-Kuntī, 2011
Select Thermodynamic Models for Process Simulation - A Practical Guide Using a Three Steps Methodology
Hemptinne de, Jean-Charles, 2012
Select Thermodynamic Models for Process Simulation - A Practical Guide Using a Three Steps Methodology
Hemptinne de, Jean-Charles, 2012
The reservoir engineering aspects of fractured formations
Louis H. Reiss, 1980
Henri Cholet, 2008
Well Production Practical Handbook
Henri Cholet (ed.), 2008
Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1996
The Lord
Romano Guardini, 1996
Dans les bois éternels
Fred Vargas, 2009