انتشارات Leuven University Press

Meaning, Truth and Reference in Historical Representation
Ankersmit, Frank, 2012
A dark trace : Sigmund Freud on the sense of guilt
Westerink, Herman; Freud, Sigmund, 2009
A non-oedipal psychoanalysis? : a clinical anthropology of hysteria in the work of Freud and Lacan
Haute, Philippe van; Freud, Sigmund; Geyskens, Tomas; Lacan, Jacques, 2012
The Early Modern Cultures of Neo-Latin Drama
Philip Ford, Andrew Taylor, 2013
Dramma Giocoso: Four Contemporary Perspectives on the Mozart/Da Ponte Operas
Sergio Durante, 2012
Musical Form, Forms, and Formenlehre: Three Methodological Reflections
William E. Caplin, 2009
Josephus' Account of the Early Divided Monarchy (AJ 8,212-420): Rewriting the Bible
Christopher Begg, 1993
Josephus' Story of the Later Monarchy: (AJ 9,1-10,185)
Christopher Begg, 2000
New Paths: Aspects of Music Theory and Aesthetics in the Age of Romanticism
Darla Crispin, 2009
Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality: Symposia of the Sigmund Freud Museum 2009-2011
Wolfgang Muller-Funk, 2013
Aristotle's "Problemata" in Different Times and Tongues
Pieter De Leemans, 2006
Images of Man in Ancient and Medieval Thought
F. Bossier et alii, 1976
Introduction to finite-size scaling
Ĭordan Brankov, 1996
L'Apocalypse johannique et l'Apocalyptique dans le Nouveau Testament
Jan Lambrecht (ed.), 1980
Minor Photography: Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory
Mieke Bleyen, 2012
Origins and ends of the mind : philosophical essays on psychoanalysis
Kerslake, Christian, 2007
Origins and Ends of the Mind: Philosophical Essays on Psychoanalysis
Christian Kerslake, 2008