انتشارات Libraries Unlimited

US government on the Web
Peter Hernon, 2001
Mayan Folktales Cuentos folkloricos mayas (World Folklore Series)
Susan Thompson, 2007
Glues Brews and Goos
Diana F. Marks, 1996
History: a student's guide to research and writing
Robert Skapura, 1988
Getting Ready to Read with Readers Theatre
Suzanne I. Barchers, 2007
Teaching Emergent Readers: Collaborative Library Lesson Plans
Judy Sauerteig, 2005
School Library Spaces: Just the Basics
Patricia A. Messner, 2011
School Library Storytime: Just the Basics
Brenda S. Copeland, 2013
Reinvention of the Public Library for the 21st Century
William L. Whitesides, 1998
More Hot Links: Linking Literature with the Middle School Curriculum
Cora M. Wright, 2002
Bridging the Gap: Examining Polarity in America
Nancy L. Herron, 1995
Images of a People: Tlingit Myths and Legends (World Folklore Series)
Mary Helen Pelton, 1992
Women's Studies: A Recommended Bibliography Third Edition
Linda A. Krikos, 2004
The reading connection: bringing parents, teachers, and librarians together
Elizabeth Knowles, 1997