انتشارات Lola Books

10-Lb Penalty
Dick Francis, 1997
Fourier analysis and its applications
Gerald B. Folland, 1992
Calculator's cunning: the art of quick reckoning
Menninger K., 1964
Dr.Riemann's Zeros
Karl Sabbagh, 2003
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1979
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 2000
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1979
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1999
Goedel, Escher, Bach.. an eternal golden braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1979
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Problem primer for the olympiad
Pranesachar C., Venkatachala B., Yogananda C., 2004
The Canterbury Puzzles
Henry Ernest Dudeney, 2010
The Drunkard's walk
Leonard Mlodinow, 2008
Prisoner's dilemma
William Poundstone, 1993
Rock, paper, scissors: game theory in everyday life
Len Fisher, 2008
After the Last Man: Excurses to the Limits of the Technological System
Toivo Koivukoski, 2008
A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down
Robert B. Laughlin, 2005
Book of Numbers
Tim Glynne-Jones, 2009
Elements of the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
Dr. H. Durege, 2010
Digital Filter Designers Handbook
C. Britton Rorabaugh, 1993
A - Z of Medical Writing
Tim Albert, 2000
A - Z of Medical Writing
Tim Albert, 2000