انتشارات London, John Lane; New York, John Lane Co.; [etc.,

Logic programming with Prolog
Max Bramer (auth.), 2013
Annals of Industrial Engineering 2012: Industrial Engineering: overcoming the crisis
Eneritz Onaindia Gerrikabeitia, 2014
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications
Dr.-Ing. Ajoy K. Palit, 2005
Building Interactive Systems: Architectures and Tools
Roger Took (auth.), 1992
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1993: Proceedings of the 1993 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ayr, Scotland, 5–7 July 1993
Alexander Bunkenburg (auth.), 1994
Lymphedema: A Concise Compendium of Theory and Practice
John Bergan, 2011
Lymphedema: A Concise Compendium of Theory and Practice
John Bergan, 2011
Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Sven J. Dickinson, 2013
Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Sven J. Dickinson, 2013
CO2: A Valuable Source of Carbon
G. Centi, 2013
SIMD Programming Manual for Linux and Windows
Paul Cockshott BaEcon, 2004
Surgical Management of Benign Esophageal Disorders: The ”Chicago Approach”
Marco E. Allaix MD, 2014
Analysis and Design of Information Systems: Third Edition
Arthur M. Langer EdD (auth.), 2008
Analysis and Design of Networked Control Systems
Keyou You, 2015
Computer Controlled Systems: Analysis and Design with Process-orientated Models
Efim N. Rossenwasser, 2000
Advanced Transport Systems: Analysis, Modeling, and Evaluation of Performances
Milan Janić (auth.), 2014
Analysis and Decision Making in Uncertain Systems
Professor Zdzislaw Bubnicki PhD (auth.), 2004
Classic Papers in Orthopaedics
Paul A. Banaszkiewicz FRCS (Tr &, 2014
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Applications
Luis Enrique Sucar (auth.), 2015
Care of the Critically Ill Patient
P. A. Poole-Wilson (auth.), 1992