انتشارات Lot

A grammar of Dime (Omotic)
Seyoum, Mulugeta, 2008
A grammar of dime
Mulugeta Seyoum, 2008
A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian
Abraham Hendrik Jagersma, 2010
A grammar of Khwarshi
Zaira Khalilova., 2009
A Grammar of Sheko (Omotic)
Hellenthal, Anneke Christine, 2010
Fonologia e Gramática Katukina-Kanamari
Zoraide dos Anjos, 2011
A grammar of Sabané, a Nambikwaran language
door Gabriel Antunes de Araujo., 2004.
A grammar of Sheko
Anneke Christine Hellenthal., 2010.
A grammar of upcountry Sri Lanka Malay
Sebastian Nordhoff., 2009.
Biak : description of an Austronesian language of Papua
door Wilco van den Heuvel., 2006.
A computational approach to the syntax of displacement and the semantics of scope
Christina Unger, 2010
A grammar of Mualang : an Ibanic language of western Kalimantan, Indonesia
Johnny Tjia, ©2007
The phonetics and phonology of retroflexes
Silke Hamann, 2003
Prosody in Indonesian Languages
VincentJ.vanHeuven, 2007
Empty Nuclei in Korean
Sang Jik Rhee, 2002
A Typology of Verbal Derivation in Ethiopian Afro-Asiatic Languages
Tolemariam Fufa, 2009
Acquisition of Morpho-Phonology: The Dutch voicing alternation
Annemarie Kerkhoff, 2007
Word Processing in Languages Using Non-alphabetic Scripts: The Cases of Japanese and Chinese
Rinus Verdonschot, 2011
Dependencies across Phases: From Sequence of Tense to Restrictions on Movement
Olga Khomitsevich, 2007
Pluractionality in Hausa
Kateršina Soucšková, 2011
Word in process: On the interpretation, acquisition, and production of words
Lotte Hogeweg, 2009