انتشارات Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Minorities And The State In The Arab World
Ofra Bengio
Latin America in International Politics: Challenging US Hegemony
Joseph S. Tulchin, 2016
Offender Reentry: Beyond Crime and Punishment
Elaine Gunnison, 2013
Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond North America
Klaus Brummer, Valerie M. Hudson, 2015
Doing Comparative Politics: an Introduction to Approaches & Issues
Timothy C. Lim, 2016
Comparative Politics of the Global South: Linking Concepts and Cases, 4th ed.
December Green, Laura Luehrmann, 2017
The Whistling Bird: Women Writers of the Caribbean
Elaine Campbell; Pierrette M. Frickey, 1998
US Politics and Climate Change: Science Confronts Policy
Glen Sussman, Byron W. Daynes, 2013
Info Ops: From World War I to the Twitter Era
Ofer Fridman (editor), Vitaly Kabernik (editor), Francesca Granelli (editor), 2022
Coping with Crisis in African States
Peter M. Lewis (editor), John W. Harbeson (editor), 2016
Brazilian Politics on Trial: Corruption and Reform Under Democracy
Luciano Da Ros, Matthew M. Taylor, 2022
Forging the Anvil: Combat Units in the US, British, and German Infantries of World War II
G. Stephen Lauer, 2022
Indonesia: State and Society in Transition
Jemma Purdey, Antje Missbach, Dave McRae, 2020
Beyond Positivism: Critical Reflections on International Relations
Claire Turenne Sjolander, 1994
The origins of modern Arabic fiction
Matti Moosa, 1997
A Question of Values: Johan Galtung's Peace Research
Peter Lawler, 1995
The Second Nuclear Age
Colin S. Gray, 1999
Constituting International Political Economy
Kurt Burch, 1997
Minorities And The State In The Arab World
Ofra Bengio, 1998
At Home on the Street: People, Poverty, and a Hidden Culture of Homelessness
Jason Adam Wasserman, 2009
Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory (Critical Security Studies)
Richard Jones, 1999
Democracy and War - The End of an Illusion?
Errol Henderson, 2002
Foreign Investment & Domestic Development: Multinationals and the State
Jenny Rebecca Kehl, 2008
Men in the Sun and Other Palestinian Stories
Ghassan Kanafani, 1999