انتشارات Lynne Rienner

Doing Comparative Politics: an Introduction to Approaches & Issues
Timothy C. Lim, 2016
Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict, and the Chávez Phenomenon
Steve Ellner, Kenneth Roberts, 2010
Inside African Politics
Kevin C. Dunn, Pierre Englebert, 2019
The Pinochet Regime
Carlos Huneeus, 2007
Buying Power: The Political Economy of Japan's Foreign Aid
David Arase, 1995
The Black middle class : social mobility--and vulnerability
Benjamin P. Bowser, 2007
Meaning of Military Victory
Robert Mandel, 2006
Comparative Politics of the Global South: Linking Concepts and Cases, 4th ed.
December Green, Laura Luehrmann, 2017
The New Politics of Aid: Emerging Donors and Conflict-Affected States
Agnieszka Paczyńska (editor), 2020
Western Sahara: Anatomy of a Stalemate?
Erik Jensen, 2012
Seriously Funny: Disability and the Paradoxical Power of Humor
Shawn Chandler Bingham; Sara E. Green, 2016
Caribbean Charisma: Reflections on Leadership, Legitimacy and Populist Politics
Anton L. Allahar, 2000
Power and Succession in Arab Monarchies: A Reference Guide
Joseph A. Kechichian, 2008
Middle East Monarchies: The Challenge of Modernity
Joseph Kostiner; Bernard Lewis; Ami Ayalon; Bruce Maddy-Weitzman; Lisa Anderson; Gabriel Ben-Dor; Asher Susser; Rémy Leveau; Joshua Teitelbaum; Uzi Rabi; F. Gregory Gause III; Joseph A. Kechichian; David Menashri; Onn Winckler; Gudrun Krämer; Fred Halliday, 2000
Africa's International Relations: Balancing Domestic and Global Interests
Beth Elise Whitaker, John F. Clark, 2018
The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World
Hicham Alaoui, Robert Springborg, 2021
My Dog Always Eats First: Homeless People and Their Animals
Leslie Irvine, 2013
Autocracy and Resistance in the Internet Age
Rachel Vanderhill, 2020
Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years
Kharis Templeman, Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, 2020
Museveni's Uganda: Paradoxes of Power in a Hybrid Regime
Aili Mari Tripp, 2010
Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration
Desmond Dinan, 2010
Khrushchev in Power: Unfinished Reforms, 1961-1964
Sergei Khrushchev, 2014
Haiti: Trapped in the Outer Periphery
Robert Fatton Jr., 2014
The Palestinian People: Seeking Sovereignty and State
Mustafa Kabha, 2013