انتشارات M. Dekker

Skin, hair, and nails : structure and function
Bo Forslind, 2004
Slippery math in public affairs: price tag and defense
William J. Adams, 2002
Social Anxiety Disorder
Borwin Bandelow, 2004
Social anxiety disorder
Borwin Bandelow, 2004
Soft Materials: Structure and Dynamics
John R Dutcher, 2004
Solid fuels combustion and gasification : modeling, simulation, and equipment operation
Marcio Lde Souza-Santos, 2004
Robust control system design : advanced state space techniques
Chia-Chi Tsui, 2004
Rubber compounding : chemistry and applications
Brendan Rodgers, 2004
Rubber compounding : chemistry and applications
Rodgers, 2004
Safety evaluation of medical devices
Shayne C. Gad, 1997
Safety of irradiated foods
Johannes Friedrich Diehl, 1995
Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research
Shein-Chung Chow, 2003
Satellite Communication Engineering
MichaelO. Kolawole, 2002
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Allen J. Bard, 2001
Seafood and freshwater toxins: pharmacology, physiology, and detection
Luis M. Botana, 2000
Self-learning Control of Finite Markov Chains
Alexander S. Poznyak, 2000
Self-management of asthma
Harry Kotses, 1998
Numerical methods for engineers and scientists
Joe D. Hoffman, 2001
Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer Fundamentals
Robert Greenkorn, 1999
monopole antennas
Melvin M. Weiner, 2003
Multilayered aquifer systems : fundamentals and applications
AH -D Cheng, 2000