انتشارات Make Community, Llc

Fusion 360 for Makers, 2e: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and Cnc Fabrication
Lydia Sloan Cline, 2021
Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services That Make the 3D Printing Ecosystem
Liza Wallach Kloski, Nick Kloski, 2021
3D Printing Projects: Toys, Bots, Tools, and Vehicles To Print Yourself
Brook Drumm, James Floyd Kelly, Rick Winscot, John Edgar Park, John Baichtal, Brian Roe, Nick Ernst, Steven Bolin, Caleb Cotter, 2015
Robot Magic: Beginner Robotics for the Maker and Magician
Mario Marchese, 2021
Make: Geometry: Learn by coding, 3D printing and building
Joan Horvath, Rich Cameron, 2021
Getting Started With Raspberry Pi: Getting to Know the Inexpensive ARM-Powered Linux Computer (Make:)
Shawn Wallace, Matt Richardson, Wolfram Donat, 2021
Make: Getting Started with 3D Printing
Liza Wallach Kloski; Nick Kloski, 2021
Make: Tips and Tales from the Workshop, Volume 2: A Handy Reference for Makers
Gareth Branwyn, 2022
Text Book of Public Health and Community Medicine
Rajvir Bhalwar, Rajesh Vaidya, Rina Tilak, Rajul K Gupta, Renuka Kunte, 2009
Begin the adventure : how to break the light barrier by A.D. 2079
Homer B Tilton; Florentin Smarandache, 2010
C N C: Technology and Programming
Steve Krar, 1989
Yanyuwa Wuka Dictionary and Grammar
John Bradley, 1992
The Real Book in Bass Clef - Fifth Edition
The Editors, 1000
Micro hydro power
Frederick J Munster; Maine. Dept. of Economic, 1999
The open door : a history of Tacoma Community College
Coleman, Dale; Transue, Pamela, 2015
Die Schmahamas-Verschwörung: Ein Roman aus der Welt von Minecraft Freedom
Paluten; Klaas Kern, 2018
Outreach Works: Strategies for Expanding Health Access in Communities
Michael DeChiara, 2001
A Scientific Basis for Human Telepathic Communication
Roy Waidler, Sarai Iehanne van Beeuwelan, 2015
Vita Cloudae Sancta
Roy Waidler, 2019