انتشارات Manchester University Press Nd

New Labour and the New World Order: Britain's Role in the War on Terror
Steven Kettell, 2011
British Cinema in the 1950's: An Art in Peacetime
Ian MacKillop, Neil Sinyard, 2003
Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Russia
Geir Honneland, Anne-Kristin Jorgensen, 2003
'Curing queers': Mental nurses and their patients, 1935-74
Tommy Dickinson, 2015
Conduct: Sociology and Social Worlds
Liz McFall, Paul du Gay, Simon Carter, 2008
André Téchiné
Bill Marshall, 2007
Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy
Ben Tonra & Thomas Christiansen, 2004
Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy (Europe in Change)
Ben Tonra, Thomas Christiansen, 2005
Beckett's Dantes : Intertextuality in the fiction and criticism
Caselli, Daniela; Beckett, Samuel; Dante Alighieri, 2006
Beckett's Dantes : Intertextuality in the fiction and criticism
Caselli, Daniela; Beckett, Samuel; Dante Alighieri, 2006
Beckett's Dantes : Intertextuality in the fiction and criticism
Caselli, Daniela; Beckett, Samuel; Dante Alighieri, 2006
Human remains and identification: Mass violence, genocide and the 'forensic turn'
Élisabeth Anstett, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, 2015
After the new social democracy: social welfare for the twenty-first century
Tony Fitzpatrick, 2003
Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat Spirit and Popular Song
Laurence Coupe, 2007
British Military Service Tribunals, 1916-18: 'A Very Much Abused Body of Men'
James McDermott, 2011
Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Different Strategies
Jon Birger Skjaerseth, 2004
Images of Africa: Creation, negotiation and subversion
Julia Gallagher, 2015
Anglo-Jewry Since 1066: Place, Locality and Memory
Tony Kushner, 2012
Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
Peter Barry, 2002
Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
Peter Barry, 2002
Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
Peter Barry, 2002
Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
Peter Barry, 2002