انتشارات Manohar Publishers And Distributors

Caste: Origin, Function and Dimensions of Change
Suvira Jaiswal, 2000
Bonds Lost: Subordination, Conflict and Mobilisation in Rural South India c.1900-1970
Gunnel Cederlof, 1997
Indian Demonology: The Inverted Pantheon
Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya
Debrahmanising History: Dominence and Resistence in Indian Society
Braj Ranjan Mani, 2005
Sultan Raziya: Her Life And Times: A Reappraisal
Jamila Brijbhushan (Jameela Brij Bhushan), 1990
Buddhist Translation: Problems and Perspectives
Doboom Tulku, 1995
Gods, Men and Territory: Society and Culture in Kathmandu Valley
Anne Vergati, 2002
Ancient India in Historical Outline
D.N. Jha, 1998
From Prosperity to Decline: Eighteenth Century Bengal
Sushil Chaudhury, 1995
Violent Traders : Europeans in Asia in the Age of Mercantilism
Dietmar Rothermund, 2014
Bengal: rethinking history (Essays in historiography)
Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (editor), 2001
Lines on stone : the prehistoric rock art of India
Erwin Neumayer, 1993
The valley of Kashmir : the making and unmaking of a composite culture?
T. N. Madan; Aparna Rao, 2008
Islam in the subcontinent : Muslims in a plural society
Mushirul Hasan, 2002
Kashmir's transition to Islam : the role of Muslim rishis, fifteenth to eighteenth century
Mohammad Ishaq Khan, 1994
Women in early Indian societies
Kumkum Roy, 1999
Europe in Transition: From Feudalism to Industrialization
Arvind Sinha, 2010
Studies of Indian Jewish Identity
Nathan Katz, 1995
Securing India: Strategic thought and practice
George Kilpatrick Tanham, Kanti P. Bajpai, Amitabh Mattoo, 1996
Citizen Historian: Explorations in Historiography
Soumyendra Nath Mukherjee, 1996