انتشارات Marquette Univ Pr

Method in Metaphysics (Aquinas Lecture 15)
Robert J. Henle, 1950
Method in theology: an organon for our time
Frederick E. Crowe, 1980
Moral absolutes: Catholic tradition, current trends, and the truth
William E. May, 1989
Natural Desire for God: Aquinas Lectures (Aquinas Lecture 13)
William Richard O"Connor, 1948
Nature and Functions of Authority (Aquinas Lecture 4)
Yves Rene Marie Simon, 1940
Nova et vetera: the theology of tradition in American Catholicism
Gerald P. Fogarty, 1987
On Light (De Luce)
Robert Grosseteste, 1942
On the Unity of the Intellect Against the Averroists
Saint Thomas Aquinas, 1968
Outlines of formal logic
John of St. Thomas, 1955
Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine
Roland J. Teske, 1996
Philosophical Leisure: Recuperative Praxis for Human Communication
Annette Holba, 2007
Philosophy as the Interpreter of Holy Scripture (1666)
Lodewijk Meijer, 2005
Pico Della Mirandola: Of Being and Unity (Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation)
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, 1943
Practical geometry
Hugh (of Saint-Victor), 1991
Questions on the soul
Saint Thomas (Aquinas), 1984
Exemplary Lives: Selected Sermons on the Saints from Rheinau
James C. Wilkinson, 2006
Finality and Marriage
Margaret Monahan Hogan, 1994
From vision to legislation: from the council to a code of laws
Ladislas M. Orsy, 1985