انتشارات Mcgraw Hill, Inc

Calculus for business, economics, and the social and life sciences
Hoffmann, Laurence D., 2013
Stan Weinstein’s Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets
Weinstein, Stan, 1988
Campbell R. McConnell; Stanley L. Brue; Sean Masaki Flynn, 2011
Materials Handbook
Brady, George Stuart, 2002
Perry's chemical engineer's platinum edition Perry's chemical engineers' handbook
Green, Doon W., 1999
Be a Successful Green Builder
R. Dodge Woodson, 2009
A Course in Inorganic Preparations
William Edwards Henderson, W. Conrad Fernelius, 1935
Complex variables & the laplace transform for engineers
Wilbur LePage, 1961
Car stereo speaker projects illustrated
Daniel Ferguson, 2000
Abraham Pressman Switching Power Supply Design
Abraham I.Pressman, 1999
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
Behzad Razavi, 2000
Ulsi Technology
C. Y. Chang, S. M. Sze, 1996
Basic Electrical Eng V2
Dhogal, 1986
Introduction to physical metallurgy
Avner, Sidney H., 1974
Electricity and Electronics for Aerospace Vehicles (Northrop Institute of Technology series)
Northrop Institute of Technology, 1972
Control Charts. An Introduction to Statistical Quality Control
Edward S. Smith, 1947
Creation and annihilation operators
J.H. Avery, 1977
Case Files Anesthesiology (LANGE Case Files)
Lydia Conlay, Julia Pollock, Mary Ann Vann, Sheela Pai, Eugene Toy, 2011
Inorganic Syntheses, Vol. 15
G.W. Parshall, 1974
Substitute Teaching from A to Z
Barbara Pressman, 2008
The Laser Guidebook
Jeff Hecht, 1988
Schaum's Outline Series Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering
Jimmie J. Cathey, Syed A. Nasar, 1983