انتشارات Mcgraw Hill, New York

5 Steps to a 5 AP US Government and Politics, 2014-2015 Edition
Pamela Lamb, 2013
Harrison's Endocrinology, 2nd Edition
J. Larry Jameson, 2010
Harrison's Nephrology and Acid-Base Disorders
J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo, 2010
Dan L. Longo, MD Anthony S. Fauci, MD Dennis L. Kasper, MD Sthepen L. Hauser, MD J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, 2013
Advanced CMOS Cell Design (Professional Engineering)
Etienne Sicard, Sonia Delmas Bendhia, 2007
Anatomy, Histology, & Cell Biology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review, Fourth Edition
Robert Klein, George Enders, 2010
Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function
Kenneth Saladin, 2009
Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function with OLC bind-in card
Kenneth S. Saladin, 2002
Principles of Microeconomics
Robert H. Frank, Ben Bernanke (authors), Louis Dorrance Johnston (special contribution), 2008
Easy Outlines - Principles of Economics
Dominick Salvatore & Eugene Diulio, 2003
Economics - Principles and Practices
Gary E. Clayton, 2007
Economics. Principles and Practices
Gary E. Clayton, 2000
5 Steps to a 5 AP Statistics, 2008-2009 Edition
Duane Hinders, 2007
Glencoe Science: Human Body Systems, Student Edition
Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2004
Fiber optics handbook: fiber, devices, and systems for optical communications
Michael Bass, Eric W. Van Stryland, Optical Society of America, 2002
Michael Bass (Ed.), 1994
Handbook of Optics
Michael Bass, Virendra N. Mahajan, 2010
Handbook of Optics
Michael Bass, Guifang Li, Eric Van Stryland, 2010
Applied Linear Statistical Models 5th Edition
Michael H Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, John Neter, William Li, 2004
Harrison's Rheumatology, 2nd Edition
Anthony S. Fauci, Carol A. Langford, 2010